In today’s world where everyone is a little more conscious of the environment and demands more from the money they spend, being ASF-PEFC certified as an architect is important. Many customers who want quality, value for money, and sustainable supplies, should be using architects with these certifications. 

However, not all customers understand what these certifications are and how they are beneficial to look for when it comes to making changes to your home. In this guide, you’ll understand what ASF-PEFC certification is and the benefits of hiring a certified architect.

What does it mean to be ASF-PEFC certified?

To be ASF-PEFC certified, it involves getting two certificates, ASF and PEFC. Let’s break these down by discussing each one individually first. PEFC stands for the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification. It’s a leading, global alliance that is dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management. For all those architects that might be incorporating various materials into a project. By having this certificate can help discover the most sustainable and environmentally-friendly options available. ASF stands for Agile Scrum Foundation and is a certificate that is designed to help architects. By gaining an understanding of agile principles, skills in scrum processes, and putting this into practice. For architects, knowledge of all this can help with scrum practices, planning, and monitoring. A combination of the two can certainly help an architect to tailor their approach when it comes to providing an architectural product that’s well-developed and sustainable.

Five benefits of an ASF-PEFC certified Architect

Why choose an architect that’s ASF-PEFC certified in comparison to one without the certification? 

Contributes to a lower carbon footprint.

Whether the architect is working with western red cedar paneling, blackbutt cladding, or spotted gum cladding, these certifications provide them with knowledge of the best materials to use. Regardless of the scale of the project and what’s involved. By having a PEFC certification can help architects find the most suitably beneficial materials and applications. It caters to customers who nowadays. Expect a sustainable approach to anything that’s built or installed into their homes. Lowering our carbon footprint is something that many of us should be doing more of in order to help the environment around us. Using certified architects can help contribute to that lower carbon output.

Use experts within the industry.

When using experts, it often provides you with a much better outcome with anything you do in life. It’s not always about the financial investment but picking the right people who have the knowledge and expertise. Those aren’t always the most expensive services to choose but they are a cut above the rest. As a certified ASF-PEFC architects, the knowledge and skillset that these individuals have. Futher go beyond the norms of the standard architect. You’ll get a lot more out of it because of the experts you pick. That’s why it’s good to be attentive to what certifications and experience any one person or organisation have when it comes to sourcing suppliers.

Quality finish to the project.

With ASF-PEFC certification, one cannot deny the quality that comes with the provider. When you pay more, you invest more into the project itself, and choosing an architect is quite possibly one of the most important roles to fulfill. A great architect will get the job done but those that are top-tier and certified will create projects that have a premium finish. Those that have a premium finish are also likely to be longer-lasting. An exemplary finish is going to offer greater satisfaction towards the project itself and how it looks to you, the customer. After all, any provider within this field will want to provide 100% customer satisfaction.


Faster completion of work.

When it comes to the completion of work, the pace is picked up with those that have the ASF certification. They will understand the need to develop and innovate, to monitor and ensure all elements of the project are running on schedule, and help complete the project quickly. However, that’s by no means a suggestion that the quality of work is hindered. They have the expertise and skill set to get the work done quickly while maintaining high standards that result in high-quality completion. Who doesn’t want to see a project completed ahead of time? No one likes delays to the projects they’ve spent money on, especially as it can often incur more costs due to the delay.

Better satisfaction when it comes to the overall project.

Satisfaction is an important part of any project that you choose to do on your property. For the providers you pick, those that are certified will likely deliver great satisfaction overall when involved in said project. 

Tips for choosing the best architects on the market

How do you choose the best architect for your project, on the market? Here are a few things to look for, going forward.

Look for ASF-PEFC certification

ASF-PEFC certification as we’ve mentioned already is worthwhile to have when comparing architects. Evidence of this certification should be presented so that customers can check the legitimacy of the architect. This type of certification can also provide peace of mind that the safety of the project has been considered.

Read the reviews

To help pick out the best from a variety of architects across the local area, it’s good to check out the reviews. Previous customers won’t lie most of the time and an honest review can give a good impression on whether they’re worth investing in or not.

Pick an architect with the same style that you desire

When it comes to architects, despite their credentials. Further they may not have the style of architecture and design that you’re looking for. With that being said, you should look for those that resonate the same for your needs when it comes to style.

Use an ASF-PEFC-certified architect for your next project

Whatever the project scope, make sure you pick out an ASF-PEFC-certified architect for any projects that might be in the pipeline, this year or beyond. You won’t regret it!